苹果dj破解版 :【双语新闻】 都有谁?第十三届北影节“天坛奖”国际评奖委员会阵容揭晓 ;1400平方米“超体书房”迎接爱书人.....

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苹果dj破解版 ?第十三届北影节“天坛奖”国际评奖委员会阵容揭晓 ;1400平方米“超体书房”迎接爱书人....." >

The international jury lineup of the Tiantan Award at the 13th Beijing International Film Festival was unveiled on April 8. Renowned Chinese director Zhang Yimou chairs the jury of this year’s Tiantan Award. He will join hands with Fernando E. Juan Lima, president of the Mar del Plata International Film Festival in Argentina, Chinese Hong Kong director Stanley Kwan, Israeli director Nadav Lapid, Thai director Pimpaka Towira, Chinese actor Zhang Songwen and Chinese actress Zhou Dongyu to reveal the winners of the ten categories of the Tiantan Award.

第十三届北京国际电影节“天坛奖”国际评奖委员会阵容4月8日揭晓苹果dj破解版 。中国导演张艺谋担任本届“天坛奖”国际委员会主席,他将与阿根廷马塔布拉塔国际电影节主席费尔南多·胡安·利马、中国香港导演关锦鹏、以色列导演那达夫·拉皮德、泰国导演萍帕卡·托维拉、中国演员张颂文、中国演员周冬雨一同决出“天坛奖”十大奖项的归属。



苹果dj破解版 ?第十三届北影节“天坛奖”国际评奖委员会阵容揭晓 ;1400平方米“超体书房”迎接爱书人....." >


The “Black Music Week” kicked off at the Beijing Music Industrial Park on April 8. Events will be held every weekend, where visitors can enjoy music, food and art. DJs will play electronic music, joining rap and hip-hop musicians.

朝阳区文化品牌“Black 音乐周末”4月8日开始在北京音乐产业园亮相,此后每周末,市民可在现场感受电音现场、潮食酷玩、创意彩绘等休闲内容苹果dj破解版 。活动当天现场设置沉浸式音乐表演区,邀请DJ为观众带来国内前沿的电音曲目,未来还将有说唱、嘻哈等多种类、多形式的音乐活动上演。


苹果dj破解版 ?第十三届北影节“天坛奖”国际评奖委员会阵容揭晓 ;1400平方米“超体书房”迎接爱书人....." >

The 2023 "Bright Springtime" tulip and spring blossoms celebration is ongoing in Zhongshan Park in Beijing. This year, the Park is highlighting elements of traditional Chinese culture through specially designed patterns in the shape of swallow kites, ducks and ripples. The Park has planned planting according to meticulously timed blooming periods of 200,000 tulips of 85 varieties.

4月3日,中山公园2023年“春和景明”春花暨郁金香观赏季拉开帷幕苹果dj破解版 。2023年园内突出中国传统文化特色,设计沙燕风筝、鸭子、水波纹等图案。为了满足游客赏花需求,公园使不同花期的郁金香陆续开放,85个品种近20万株世界名花郁金香等球根花卉将先后展露风采,给游客带来不同时段欣赏不同美景的体验。


苹果dj破解版 ?第十三届北影节“天坛奖”国际评奖委员会阵容揭晓 ;1400平方米“超体书房”迎接爱书人....." >

The first Pear Blossom Festival is underway in Zhenlouying Town in Beijing’s Pinggu District. Pear blossoms in the 12-kilometer long Lihua Avenue are in full bloom and visitors can enjoy the flowers, buy food and local products. The festival also offers live-streaming of spring blossoms online.

平谷北部深山里的镇罗营,12公里梨花大道进入了盛花期苹果dj破解版 。4月8日,镇罗营首届梨花文化节开幕。梨花大道沿途设置了同心桥、特色美食、镇罗营好物展卖、圆梦桥等点位,游客可徒步边逛边赏花。


苹果dj破解版 ?第十三届北影节“天坛奖”国际评奖委员会阵容揭晓 ;1400平方米“超体书房”迎接爱书人....." >

The 18th Beijing Changping Hot Spring Festival opened in Changping District, offering hot spring themed travel routes in the area. The festival promotes consumption in the area through hot spring recommendation, agricultural products promotion and live-streaming. It also promotes the district’s famous strawberries and apples.

近日,第十八届北京昌平温泉文化节在小汤山镇开幕苹果dj破解版 。本次活动推出“爱上昌平 泡汤之旅”线路。今年的温泉文化节通过丰收集市的温泉展宣、农创好物集中推介、直播带货等丰富活动,助力农商消费,同时将昌平草莓、昌平苹果等代表性国家地理标识产品推广出去。


苹果dj破解版 ?第十三届北影节“天坛奖”国际评奖委员会阵容揭晓 ;1400平方米“超体书房”迎接爱书人....." >

The 2nd Guardian Art Book Fair is ongoing in Beijing until April 16. 10,000 art books from over 40 publishing houses at home and abroad are on display. National intangible cultural heritage such as wood-block printing and ancient book restoration techniques are presented during the fair.

第二届嘉德国际艺术图书展目前正在京举行,将持续至4月16日苹果dj破解版 。本届图书展汇聚40余家海内外顶级艺术出版社的10000册精选艺术图书。本届图书展首次联合荣宝斋和中国书店共同带来国家级非遗技艺展示体验,让观众可以深入了解木版水印和古籍修复技艺。


来源:english.beijing.gov.cn 千龙网 北京日报 北京新闻广播

标签: 天坛 北影 评奖 双语 书房
